Essential Commerce

What’s in the box?

After 30 years of making caramels as gifts for friends, family and clients, I’ve decided to dedicate a corner of The Essential Garden site to Essential Commerce. 

I’ve refined the Essential Caramel recipe into its simplest form using the highest quality ingredients, so the product is divinely chewy and flavor-intense.  The implication of the word essential is that the product or idea it describes is foundational, a requirement for a happy, fulfilling life.  As tough as it is to make a case for caramels being key to a rewarding life, you may, indeed, find this to be true.  These are roll-your-eyes-to-the-back-of-your-head caramels.  There are no preservatives because they won’t last long enough for the preservation question to arise.

A sister site to The Essential Garden blog is in the works, and it will serve several distinctly different functions, one of which is a vehicle to order Essential Caramels and, in the future, to order an ancient and rare candy, a family recipe, that is still in development.

Here’s the best offer I can muster.  If you’d like to try Essential Caramels, I’ll send a small sample to you without charge and, in fact, I’ll be sending samples to numerous Essential Garden friends to launch the product.  You then get to decide whether, and to whom, to offer a gift of Essential Caramels.

For now, shoot me an email at if you don’t wish to resist.

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